Este nombre no fue puesto a capricho, ya que esta zona tiene una. Produced by in association with Juicy Falls. El Bolsn de Mapim, en Mxico, es una zona ubicada entre los estados de Chihuahua, Durango y Coahuila, y dentro de esta zona nos encontramos con un misterioso lugar que ha dado pie a numerosos mitos y leyendas, la llamada Zona del Silencio. But were these tales of supernatural phenomina just cooked up to distract public attention away from the embarrassment of an American test missile with a radioactive payload being accidentally shot into a neighbouring country? Join Neil & Stu, as they discuss La Zona Del Silencio. Zone of Silence is desert patch near the Bolson de Mapimi in Durango, Mexico. Indeed, th area has drawn comparisons with the Bermuda Triangle. Zone of silence is a real place in Mexico. The 'Mapimi Silent Zone' lies in a remote part of Mexico, and attracts many visitors with tales of strange magnetic forces, and Extra-Terrestrial activity. Even so, some view these odd reports as deliberately invented to generate tourism and sold to the world via the mass media. In the meantime, Happy Holidays to all our listeners, as well as Happy New Year of course too. El Zona del Silencio is an electromagnetic void an anomaly, where compasses spin like dervishes and cell phone and radio signals are the definition of hit-and-miss. Legend says that in this area, electromagnetic transmissions cannot be. But fear not! They will be back disputing each other with fresh vigour in the New Year, with some amazing topics of discussion. Zona del Silencio, also known as Mapim Silent Zone, lies in northern Mexico. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Due to Neil & Stu being extremely busy with their normal work towards the end of the year, this will be the last episode of 2021 sadly. Check out all the various tiers and rewards at before picking the right one for you! Locals speak of tall, fair-haired beings or glowing lights.Ī report from Amusing Planet also spoke of plants and animals with abnormal mutations in what locals also call "zona del silencio.You can get involved and help support us through our Patreon. There is no shortage of interesting stories in the Zone of Silence, from UFO encounters, meteor showers, fireballs in the sky and even fireballs rolling down hills and mountains. More scientists and tourists flocked the area for a while, and a few years after the failed rocket landing, the Mexican government built the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve that includes a research station and scientists from all over the world, now carefully studying flora and fauna in the surrounding area. However, it went careening smack in the middle of the Zone of Silence instead. An Athena rocket, sent into space to study the upper atmosphere, was supposed to land by White Sands, New Mexico. The MapimI Reserve overlaps an area known as La Zona del Silencio (the Zone of Silence) which attracts tourists and curiousity-seekers from all over the world. Los cientficos estn seguros de que existe un cono magntico de ioniza la atmsfera y que. Soon, a more high-profile incident put the zone on the map. El otro gran fenmeno extrao que tiene lugar en Zona del Silencio es su peculiaridad magntica. Este enigmtico sitio se ubica exactamente en el Bolsn de Mapim, a unos 180 km al noroeste de Torren-Gmez. Al norte de Mxico existe una zona rodeada de leyendas, misterios y algo ms: la Zona del Silencio. It attracted the attention of scientists from around the world." La Zona del Silencio tiene la peculiaridad de hacer que las brjulas dejen de funcionar o que las seales de radio se pierdan. "People for miles saw the light and heard the tremendous noise, which broke windows. "It woke me, and I saw the firmament alight," Palacios recalled. (And they say lightning don't strike the same place twice.)īenjamin Palacios, a 61-year-old who grew up on the edge of the Zone of Silence, remembers a meteorite landing in the Allende Valley back in 1969. The 20th century saw a few of this crashes, including two that even crashed in the same ranch in a span of less than 20 years.

After all, there have been significant meteorites landing in this particular area. The eerie phenomenon of dying radios has been attributed to be the effect of subterranean magnetite and debris from meteorites. When the group began experiencing problems with his radio, leader Augusto Harry de la Peña dubbed it the Zone of Silence. In 1966, a national oil company called Pemex ordered an expedition to explore this place. It's this strange radio silance that inspired the name of this area. Here, amidst the desolate terrain, radio signal ceases and meteorites come crashing down. Explore a unique place located within the Bolsn de Mapim and learn about eerie local mysteries on our Silent Zone, Mapim & Ojuela: 2 or 3 Day Tour. The Bermuda Triangle is mystery enough, but a 50-kilometer patch of land in Mexico is becoming an increasingly common area of bizarre incidents.Īccording to a report from Atlas Obscura, the Zone of Silence is found in the Mapimí Biosphere Reserve, which is a mostly uninhabited expanse.